About Us

Just to add a personal word here :

I’m dedicated to a Holistic approach for a number of reasons.

I believe that we all have the power to help ourselves and the Universe also helps us when and where it can.

I have trained in Usui Reiki to Mastership Level and have practised energy Healing since 2008. I believe that this enhances my work, as does Maat Sekhem healing,   (Egyptian Energy Healing).

Tibetan singing bowls help to heal and fine tune your energy centres in Reiki sessions.

Our subtle energies are also affected by all kinds of things, like our way of life, or climate, the foods we eat, our possible lack of life outdoors and exercise amongst other things.

I believe that massage and / or healing are a way to avoid any imbalances in the Mind, Body and Spirit . So much so, that I consider them to be more of a necessity than a luxury, though people are realising now how much these modalities can help the Mind/Spirit/Body and help us have Peace.

The more Holistic treatments we have, the less likely we are to become ill or stressed and more able to cope with our mad, busy lives of these days.